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1-2-1 Testimonial from Ray -   "Following a period of several months poor health and unable to continue with pilates, I made contact with Moire to discuss a return.  As a result of that contact, I had a 121 session with her.  I had informed Moire of the illness which had kept me away from her classes and how it could potentially restrict my ability to do the various exercises. I had every confidence in disclosing this to her knowing, because of her thoroughly professional approach, that it would go no further.  When I had the 121 session, which lasted 1hr, Moire took me through a number of pilates exercises. As we went through them, she watched carefully to see to what level I was able to do them and advise accordingly. The exercises that we did during the session covered a number of different aspects of pilates.  For each one she explained how to perform them better after such a long lay off.  The 121 with Moire was a very worthwhile experience for anyone who has been away from pilates for a while to get back into the way of it. Her knowledge and understanding came to the fore.   Iwould also suggest that it would be worthwhile also for anyone thinking of seriously starting to do pilates". 

1-2-1 Testimonial.  I have recently done 3 one to one session with Julie, and this is her testimonial:

"I I just wanted to say thank you for the support, advice and positive instruction you gave on my 121 sessions.  I truly value them, they have helped me in so many ways, physically and mentally.  Your delivery is formal and fun, which makes learning so easy.  You are patient and very knowledgeable.  I  always feel safe in your hands".

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