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And here we still are!

Who would have thought that we would be doing live Zoom classes from our living rooms 18 months ago, and who would have thought that we would still be doing them now! I really did think that once the worst of the pandemic was over, things would slowly get back to normal and that would be the end of Zoom. I booked a room at the Blue Flames at the start of May, assuming everyone would be dying to get back to a real class - how wrong was I?!! I managed to limp through sometimes with only 2 people booking and turning up, to a maximum of 8 people (that didn't happen very often!) I've recently moved back to The Rising Sun Countryside Park, and hope that the numbers may pick up, otherwise I think I might just start again in January, when generally that's when people want to start back in the New Year. I can most certainly understand why people are sticking with Zoom - the complete convenience of putting your mat down, getting changed - hey presto, and you're set up in 5 mins or so. By the way, its very convenient for me too, bar any technical issues I might or others may have. I can send recordings if someone has missed the class, which I can't do on a live class.

Once more, I really do appreciate all your support on Zoom and for Jo and Alison who have come to my live classes. I certainly couldn't do it without you! xx

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