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Christmas vs Pilates

I don't know about you, but for some reason, I seem to want to eat my body weight in food and chocolates over the Christmas period! Luckily I manage to reign it in by Boxing Day, and find that I have to actively put my chocolates in a cupboard as I believe out of sight, out of mind (generally!) This year I have received at least 7 boxes of Maltesers in various forms, I scoffed the smallest one first (it's on the only one I've eaten so far), gave away the largest box, as once I start, I can't stop!

I generally find this time of year quite dark and grey, and feel quiet lethargic. I haven't exercised since the 23rd December, but pushed myself off to the gym today (28th), and feel better for it. I'm looking forward to pilates tonight, and getting back into the swing of things. I hate the flat time between Christmas and New Year, its so hard to motivate yourself, but its best to push yourself on and get back 'onto saddle' so to speak and feel proud that you've done the class.

We will have to see what the New Year brings, hopefully no more restrictions but at least on Zoom, we can feel quite safe in our homes.

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