Well, I'm sure this isn't how we all expected this year to pan out. I started the Zoom classes with a bit of encouragement from one of my members, and have to say it's worked out better than expected.
Normally there are peaks and troughs regarding exercise, ie weather is nice outside, holidays, shopping, meeting friends, but this all changed this year.
For those who know me, I do like my holidays, but this year I've had a couple of days in Scarbough and a week at the lakes (and the odd night away) so it means I've been available for more sessions than normal.
Again, in the run up to Christmas, there's nights out, boozy lunches, Christmas shopping, nights away, but this is another thing that has stopped unfortunately.
The upside of it is that my members have probably done more sessions than they could have imagined, and I hope I have helped keep them fit, physically and mentally in my own little way.
Have a good Christmas, and here's to a better year ahead.
It's helped me so much - partly because I've been sat at my dining table at a computer 5 days a week since April so regular pilates has been invaluable for my posture, not to mention my mental well-being! X