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Well, we're a week or so into the New Year, are your resolutions still resolute?! I never make them, as they are usually so hard to stick too and too optimistic.

Just take each week at a time, and as long as you are 70-80% on track, that a good thing? It's easy to get bored by them - "I'm going to exercise 5 times a week" - is this achievable if you work full time, have a family and other commitments? I don't think so.

Just take it day by day and sometimes it depends on how you feel on the day, did you sleep well the night before, have your meals gone to plan, what are your commitments today - have you time to exercise on top of everything else?

Just be kind to yourself and do what's best for you.

It would be great to see you at every Zoom session, but life comes along, coughs, colds, Covid is still around and I certainly knew about it when I had the norovirus how your plans change so rapidly!

So listen to your body, and come along to the Zoom sessions when it fits into your life and hopefully this will be one of the things that become habit forming.

Moire x

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