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Live class etiquette

Updated: Jan 9, 2023

I can remember as a gym member what it was like to attend classes - you need to time it right to go into the class, too early and you're like Billy No Mates by yourself, or too late - you end up with the crappiest space in the class! I know at my Lakeside class in the winter, no one wants to be near the French doors, it blows a hoolie under the door! Also your timing depends on whether you get YOUR space - the one you've grimly held onto for 5 years - no-one's going to take it away away from you!!!

I can remember going to Greens gym (now the Nuffield) where they'd cram as many people into the class as they could, I once ended up sideways next to a mirror and couldn't extend my left arm out to the side! Then you have the person next to you who does their own thing, not listening to the instructor at all. (I've had a few of those in my classes!)

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