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Lockdown, mental health and pilates

I think none of us would ever have imagined a real life pandemic - this was something that only ever happened in disaster films. I only imagined lockdown lasting a couple of months or so and back to normal after that. I thought I would use the time off as a short break from pilates - I've been teaching for over 10 years constantly (notwithstanding holidays!), but due to one of my clients from the Rising - Fiona (thank you!!) who suggested I do Zoom classes, which she patiently helped me a bit with, I had a few practice runs with her to make sure it seemed ok for me to use.

The longer lockdown has gone on, the more I have realised that its good for all our mental health (mine included) to have something to look forward to, to break up what could be a potentially boring day of 1 walk and 1 bit of shopping. It has kept me on my toes, mentally and physically, as no doubt after lockdown one, I think a lot of peoples exercise habits slipped.

Its so easy just to sit on the sofa, scroll through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, PinInterest to get an idea of the next thing to eat! I've never see so many unhealthy things to eat! I have sucummbed myself to a couple of afternoon teas as something to look forward to, and no doubt will again in the very near future to celebrate the end of lockdown! Luckily Paul my husband doesn't have a sweet tooth, otherwise I would have possibly tried a few more!!

After each session of Pilates, I feel calm and relaxed and hopeful, I hope this has the same effect on my clients, as we will see an end to the pandemic very soon.

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