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My Name is Moire

I'm sure those of you who know me know how to pronounce and spell my name. It's caused me years of angst and embarrassment. My name was picked by my dad, and I was named after an old girlfriend of his (strange I know) with the same spelling. Over the years I've had various pronunciations which would take a little while to run through. I remember being at school and the teachers struggling to pronounce my name, (teen years are the worst for embarrassment) Iwould just call it out. I've even had teachers change my spelling on my boom so it was easier for them! I can assure you the spelling is on my birth certificate, I do know some people where they have changed their spelling to make it more unusual!

If I had a hospital or dental appointment, luckily they would just call me by my married name.

I've only ever come across 3 others with the same name but with the usual spelling of Moira. I remember walking through Marks and Spencers in Newcastle years ago and they had quite a few Moira's. I worked with a lady called Moira and on my Christmas card even she misspelt it 🙄

Christmas cards are always a nightmare, I try and send ours early in the hope people will read them before sending theirs, but that's not the case. We've had family cards (not my side) for nearly 30 years with my name spelt wrong. Christmas gone, a friend I've had for over 20 years every spelt my name wrong, even though the spelling of her name is unusual, I had to send her a photo of the envelope and the card as she didn't believe me!!

So, in conclusion, if you had a friend/neighbour/colleague who send you a card, just have a quick look to see how you spell their name!! 🙏🙏

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Jan 17, 2021

I always try to double check everyone's spelling, its just a little thing but I think is important.


Jan 16, 2021

I feel your pain. My hubbys name is Garry with two 'r' but so many people spell it wrong, members of his own family. It doesn't bother him but it does me ha ha.

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