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Online vs live class

Pros for online:

No need to leave the house, especially as the cold, dark nights are coming.

You are in control of the fire/window to keep you warm/cool.

You can contact me 5 mins before class if you want to attend.

No one is hogging your space on the floor (unless you have a cat or dog!)

5 mins set up.

No-one to interrupt your relaxation time ie coming into class late, banging the door, fiddling on with their stuff, coughing, sneezing.

No-one getting in the way of your view of me (unless you have a cat or dog!)

As you have to listen a lot more on Zoom, it keeps your mind more focused on the exercises.

Having my email and mobile number for emails and texts.

Me contacting you to see how you're getting on after the class, me texting you if you're not feeling your best.


No chat on with your neighbours as much as in a live class.

Having to buy your own mat and band (at least you know who has been touching it!)

Not knowing if the technology is going to work!

Pros for Live classes:

Being able to have a bit chat to your neigbour before (and sometimes during!) the class.

Equipment being provided for you. I'm sure it's been cleaned at some point 🙄🙄

Chance to meet new people.

Opportunity to get out of the house for an hour or so.


Having to drive/walk there on a cold, rainy night and leaving enough time to get there.

Finding a parking space.

Having to book a week in advance to make sure you can get booked on.

Leaving it to the last minute to find there's no spaces in the class.

People hogging the front of the class so you have to go to the coldest spot in the room and not be able to see me 🤓

Being distracted by people around you.

The floor, the bands, mats, blocks, bit suspect as to how clean they are......

In the classes at the centres, it's only those who do the zoom classes who have my number/email address. You Zoomies are special!! 😁😁😁

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