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The difference between a good instructor and a bad instructor PART THREE

Helping your clients to feel comfortable in the session.

I always keep an eye out for a new client, you can generally recognise them the moment they walk through the door, they look nervous, eyes darting about. I always smile and introduce myself, if it's a sport centre class, let them know where the equipment is, and encourage them to come to the front of the class (for those of you who come regularly to the class - you know how difficult that is for me!), so I can keep an eye on them. If it's my own class, the mats (pre covid) were set out in colour co-ordinated lines. My husband helped on a Sunday, and initially, didn't colour co-ordinate the mats, but soon learnt!!

Anyway, I would ask if they had any health issues I needed to know about and assess what they could and couldn't do in the class. I'd prefer them at the front, as you'd be surprised at what people would do in the class, especially if it was their first session and didn't have a clue as to what they were doing!! As mentioned in my other blog, I'd keep saying their name, check, encourage and smile.

I'd keep an eye on them the whole class (as well as checking the others) and ask how they were at the end of the session, as it would indicate to me whether they enjoyed it.

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