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The difference between a good instructor and a basic instructor - PART 3

I thought I'd better add another section in case anyone thought I'd forgot (who me - it's never happened - much!)


Now I've never thought I was that good at remembering names, years ago, if introduced to 2 people I'd forget the first person's name!

I've realised that over the years it's a bit of a skill, but it's also to do with me being interested in what I do.

I remember years ago I used to attend a spinning class twice a week, and I did it for about 4 years with the same instructor. Never once did the instructor find out or say my name, which I think helps to personalise the class.

When someone new attended my class, I used to speak to them about their health conditions, but I'd also ask their name. I'm not saying I was perfect at all, I remember once in a class and I'd misheard a woman's name, so I kept saying her name, and it wasn't until I texted her that I'd realised I got her name wrong! How awful for her and I felt terrible.

I usually try to associate someone's name with someone I know and if that doesn't work, I'll repeat their name about 3 times in the class so I'll remember it.

When I went back to one of my classes after the last lockdown, I saw a woman there who I'd not seen for over a year, and I was able to remember her name! I was thrilled I'd remembered she didn't look that impressed 😁

When I was teaching the physical classes, I was teaching up to 12 classes a week, which could mean remembering up to 200 names, and I didn't necessarily see these people every week.

What I would find strange is that I remembered people's names, but they didn't necessarily remember mine!

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