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To exercise or not to exercise on holiday?

As you know, we recently spent 10 nights in the Algarve on holiday. I decided before we went to pack my trainers, leggings and top to make sure that I would commit to doing some exercise. The only issue was that I had to book a 45 minute slot at the hotels to use the gym, which took a bit of the spontaneity out of it, I usually just decide about half an hour beforehand for the gym, chuck my stuff on and go. Anyway, I managed to book a slot for the day after we got to Faro at 830am. I have decided to try and increase my upper body strength with weights, which helps with planks and side planks and have been following this plan since December. I did my weights routine and then followed this with some pilates, photos which are on this website. I had a bit of an incident, I was lying on the floor doing pilates when the receptionist let someone into the gym while I was there (you booked the 45 minute slot based on your room number). The guy was getting changed and going into the sauna, I didn't look at him as I wasn't quite sure if he was wearing the right attire! I informed reception about this, as I was only about 30 minutes into my session, I quickly went through the rest of my routine!!

I then decided it best to block book some dates out, even if the times weren't quite as I wanted them to be. I did my last session on the morning we left our hotel to go to our next hotel in Estoi as we'd stayed there before, and I knew their gym wasn't quite as good. Again, we had to pre-book the facilities again. It was nice this time to do some exercise outside by the pool, I'm not sure where everyone was, as there were loads of people at breakfast!

I tend to feel as my role as a pilates instructor that I need to keep my fitness levels up, wherever I am, I know this isn't for everyone, some people prefer just to relax on holiday, which I completely understand, you have to do what you think is best for you.

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