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We are nearly out of lockdown!

Eeekk its so exciting - I think! Hard to believe its a week away when we can almost go back to normal. Just think of it, going inside to have a drink and a meal (its been too cold really to sit outside, shivering with your coat and gloves on and your food getting cold super quick and having to wolf it down). Its a shame its going to take away the spontaneity of just turning up somewhere you like the look of, now having to book, scan the QR code and wear your mask when walking about. It almost spoils the fun, doesn't it?

How will classes look? I know at the Lakeside where I teach, there are only 8 spaces, and they were fully booked the day they were released. I've just checked Byker, they were released yesterday (14 spaces) and again fully booked. I'm a bit concerned about the Byker one, they released 15 spaces for some reason, so God know where I'm meant to stand/lie, probably near the door or window! Still can't touch anyone, and have to wear a mask to go into the studios. Everyone is still 2 metres apart.

But on the positive side, things will get easier I'm sure, it will just be a gentle release of getting back to normal. I can't wait to see people in person.

I can't believe how much I have enjoyed Zoom, I was initially a bit nervous talking to a camera, and I'm surprised how relaxed I look when I sometimes play the recordings back. (and again how much I laugh) Its a bit strange looking at the camera, as people are in different spaces on my TV, so it appears that I'm autistic, but I am actually looking at the person I'm speaking to! One thing about Zoom is that I have the chance to speak to everyone when they come in from the 'waiting room' which I don't necessarily get the chance at a physical class if there are a few people there.

I do hope you will continue with Zoom, it means if required I can be flexible with days and times to suit us all.

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